This post will go on-line following the Yeshivah Annual General Meetings (AGM)s of YBRSL ad CIVL. While there has been a plethora of issues circulating about the elections and the AGMs, I have chosen not to write through the last ten days as I watched them play out, wondering if they could be put to bed preliminary to the AGMs.
So, in this finite space between the AGMs and the announcements of the new Boards; first to those past leaders who who oversaw the tragedies outlined during the Royal Commission, were responsible for the debacle of current constitutions and who had no qualms promising they would resign by the end of December 2015, despite ensuring that they remain ensconced. The Trustees - Nechama Bendet, Hersh Cooper, Mr Shmuel Gurewitz, Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner, Rabbi Sholem Mendel Kluwgant, Rabbi Shimshon Yurkowitz and Max New. These are the individuals have seen to it that their authority is entrenched despite any pretence of change. Consider YBRSL - while not even all parents have been permitted to vote for the incoming Board, these 7 individuals have the entitlement to appoint 2 of the Board members as well as 2 of the Board members of CIVL.
To those, who for whatever their efforts over the last few months, have been unable to hand over a transparent election slate and gift the community the ability of empowerment and confidence in a quality leadership going forward;
- The Interim Board Members of YBRSL - Chaim Kingsley, Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner, David Herszberg, Yechiel Belfer, Nussen Ainsworth; and
- The Interim Board Members of CIVL - Chaim Kingsley, Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner, David Herszberg, Yechiel Belfer and Israel Paltiel.
From the 27 September 2016 they knew they were on a 3 month deadline till the next election, the first election. Despite any other efforts, there should not have been a day that the importance, the transparency and accountability of this next election, this first election that launched the new Yeshivah entities and community into a democratic era was not front and centre and should have been a matter for regular discussion at every Interim Board meeting.
As results are about to be called - how have these Boards, these individuals responsible for the AGMs and the elections scored?
Let’s check it out.
17 November, 2016
Issued Yeshivah Centre
Matters seemed pretty clear. The voting process would be managed independently and that independent body would also be tallying the votes.
So far, so good, till we hit the following information, within the same distribution. This turned out to be very problematic down the track, when The Australian Election Company (AEC) advised members of the YBRSL that they did not handle voting at AGM's. All of a sudden we had moved from an independent voting system to one being managed internally. To make matters worse, till late in the piece this information had not been shared, in fact was not volunteered till there was no choice and it transitioned the opportunity of a fine process to the confirmation of a highly problematic one.
I have been asking for a long time on this Blog that the Boards of Yeshivah be given time to arrange appropriate voting at the AGMs for their members.

Other matters? A considerable amount of abuse was spread around about various candidates during the election period. Some of it excessively demeaning, ugly and unpalatable. While the point can be made that 'campaigns are campaigns' when this is sourced from a member of the Interim Board - who holds particular influence over voters and potential future, peer board members, this goes beyond acceptable behaviour. When brought to the attention of the Interim Board, the whole community would have benefited by a stronger stance being taken and greater standards being set for everyone's behalf.
As to the day-to-day management process.
I have repeatedly taken the attitude that every day had to be crucial.
This election was not well served firstly, by a shabby constitution process. Secondly, one suspects, from poor resources at the Yeshivah end.
Thirdly, repeated (endless) queries were ignored, many from candidates, or not addressed in a timely fashion, or repeatedly not addressed, or perhaps just not dealt with because answers were required and known for any number of reasons. Back to lack of appropriate resourcing on the part of the Board.
One can only imagine that if this election had been valued sufficiently it would have been resourced to access an independent entity to undertake the entire voting process, from beginning to end.
It is untenable to consider the process that has occurred as acceptable, conducted by various entities, with votes counted by whoever is on hand, put together at the last minute on the hope that no-one would take up their justified right to vote as members at an AGM and calling on numerous employees and friends of employees of Yeshivah to be considered as independent parties.
Where do we see further floundering? An organisation of the size of Yeshivah will have their AGM Chair in place for a considerable time. On this occasion it appeared to change from 24 hours prior to the event. Justifiably, how can one run an election, scrutineers, etc and manage an AGM?
Does this mean corruption has occurred? Has this election been tainted?
This means that no-one cared to run a process, this means that no-one cared to pick up a phone 12, 10, 8 weeks ago and source support so that this community would be well served from beginning to end.
This means that no-one has anything of which to be proud, even a little.
Where have the Boards been???
Most certainly, not paying attention to their commitments on this matter.
In Conclusion
I plan to close this Blog, at this time, prior to the announcement of the new Boards.
These have been tumultuous days.
The opening week of October this year I began this Blog and advised that it seemed a fine time to reflect and converse for those interested in opportunities for transparent, responsive, 'service-driven' leadership and governance at Yeshivah.
My intent at the time had ben to provide a forum for education and insight where it seemed to be lacking.
The engagement was overwhelming. The numbers have been far greater than I had anticipated but this has certainly indicated to me that my belief in the need for provision of education around which the purpose of these writings have revolved has been overwhelmingly correct.
While my own interest in matters constitutional has always been considerable - the response has reflected that so too over the past months is this the case with the wider community. There has been great interest in the posts that address elections, constitutional rights and entitlements of members within the legal entities.
I am sure these interests still exist and encourage all in the community to pursue them. Your Boards, Constitutions and Structure are designed for your service. This is your entitlement.
Should you have any questions I would encourage you all to put pen to paper and address your Boards, address your leaders, their place is to be of service to you.
I wish the new Boards and Leadership groups, each member of these leadership groups great opportunity and capacity in service together. May the community and their leaders come together in a consultative and supportive way to empower all so as to benefit every individual, family and member of the community as a whole.
Before I close, thanks to my many readers for your involvement and focus on the subject matter herein. Thank you also to the copious numbers of my readers who have reached out to me with enthusiasm to engage me in discussion and provide personal support and appreciation for my writings.
May all experience transparent, responsive, 'service-driven' leadership and governance at Yeshivah.
...marcia pinskier
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