Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Elections Going Under

I've been advised by some to have more of a sense of humour when I write and by others to come at my writing with a baseball bat.  One settles into one's own rhythm and perspective for whatever the subject I might be exploring.  Today it would have to be humorous, priceless, uproarious even, if it wasn't downright objectionable.  I'm somewhere between the baseball bat and the ridicule I suppose.

There's been an ongoing call to explore the constitutions and how they associate, how the three organisations intertwine. There's plenty of material to go with there. Today's subject?  How do some of our appointees become members of the YBRSL Board?
Just one quote from Constitution-land today - (YBRSL)
19.1(b)(iii)'...one person appointed by the interim board of YCL such appointment to be ratified by the first term board of YCL...'

I'm called back, once again, to correspondence coming out of Yeshivah Centre that seems to wave all sorts of red flags on this matter.   A serious concern.
Though it was pretty much understood, it was confirmed on Sunday evening at a Yeshivah meeting for prospective directors (here we go again) that Yeshivah Centre Ltd (YCL) has not yet been registered.   It doesn't exist, it has no Board, it has no members of a Board able to make any appointments to any other Board, (or anywhere else for that matter).  Let's not forget that key piece of information

In correspondence today, (did I say "here we go again?"), Mr Yudi New advised the Yeshivah community of a number of Board appointments to the new boards.  He advised that the 'former Trustees and YCL have finalised their appointments to the boards of CIVL, YBRSL and YCL (when registration is approved).''  I'll note my pleasure at confirmation from Yeshivah, in writing, re my own commentary, that YCL has as yet to be registered.
So what does this offer for the YBRSL Board?  The letter doesn't distinguish who is responsible for placing which individual. We see three listed appointments, not specifically allocated to anyone, whether Trustee or YCL.  Chaim Kingsley, Daniel Houseman and Ayala Bekker, who will presumably fill the three places as allocated in the YBRSL constitution.  Two of them nominated  by the Trustees.  OK, that seems fine enough.  One of them, apparently appointed by the interim board of YCL.  

Now according to the YCL constitution that has been distributed to the community, the YCL Interim board is established for the 'interim period prior to the commencement of the First Term.'  Just for clarity, that's the period prior to the first annual general meeting 'which should take place within three months from the date of registration of the Company...'.   So the Interim Board is very specifically in operation between the Registration of YCL and it's first Annual General Meeting.
Yes, I think we've covered the fact that the Company HASN'T been registered, so there is no  YCL company, much less a YCL Board, interim or otherwise, in existence.  

Which brings us to the point of the exercise.
This is barely a minor matter.
Presumably, the purpose was to wipe the slate clean and transition to accountability and transparency.  Unless the community is provided with a series of names of the individuals who have taken it upon themselves to presume to an authority and role they do not have, in placing individuals into Boards in this fashion, we can all pack up shop and go home.

Personally, I hold the importance of these community elections as momentous.  Nonetheless, they cease to be of any value if it becomes apparent that this is just to be 'more of the same... nameless faces behind closed doors instilling  their preferred choices to maintain their presumptive power to run communal organisations.'  These shameful deeds should have by now been well and truly done, leaving thousands of members of the community, as they have in the past,  disenfranchised.  

The community will not be so easily fooled and deserves to know - Who believes they had the misplaced authority to appoint individuals to community boards in the name of YCL?  Whoever has been involved in this needs to move on.
The time has come and gone for these actions.  This is NOT a question that will go away.

...marcia pinskier 

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